


Try to keep 的 编辑 和 proofreading processes separate. If you're worrying about 的 拼写 of a word or 的 placement of a comma during 的 revision 和 编辑 stages, you're not focusing on 的 more important development 和 connection of ideas that make a paper clear 和 convincing.

For revising 和 编辑 guidelines, first see 提示单: 修改与编辑.


校对 is 的 final stage of 的 writing process 当 的 paper is evaluated 为 mechanical correctness, 比如语法, 标点符号, 拼写, 省略单词, 重复的单词, 间距和格式, 还有印刷错误. You should proofread only after you have finished all of your o的r revisions 和 编辑.

校对是一个学习的过程. You are not just looking 为 errors; you are also learning to avoid making 的 same mistakes in 的 future. H和books 和 dictionaries are important resources. 校对的时候把它们放在手边. If you are not sure about something, look it up.

The proofreading process becomes more efficient as you develop 和 practice a systematic strategy. Learn to identify 的 specific areas of your own writing that need careful attention.


  • Set your text aside 为 awhile (15 minutes, one day, one week) between writing 和 proofreading. Some distance from 的 text will help you see mistakes more easily.
  • Work from a printout, not 的 computer screen. Enlarge 的 print or change 的 font to give you a new perspective.
  • Use a blank sheet of paper or ruler to cover up 的 lines below 的 one you're reading. This technique keeps you from skipping ahead of possible mistakes.
  • 读得很慢. 一次读一个单词. If possible, read out loud so that you can hear each word. Read 的 entire paper several times, looking 为 different errors with each reading. Read into a tape recorder, listen carefully while you play it back.
  • Review comments on your old papers, make a list of errors which were marked frequently. 优先处理你的清单. 针对每种错误分别阅读, following whatever technique works best 为 you to identify that kind of mistake.


If you know by reviewing your instructor's comments that you frequently make one or more of 的 following grammatical errors, try 的 following suggested strategies to identify 和 correct your errors. Please note that this is only a limited list of possible mechanical errors. It will be up to you to determine o的r areas of special concern 为 you as a writer.


  • 逐个检查论文中的每个单词. Move from 的 end of each line back to 的 beginning. Pointing with a pencil helps you see each word more distinctly. If necessary, check a dictionary to see that each word is spelled correctly. It is important to remember that a computer spell check can be helpful 当 writing your initial drafts, but won't catch mistakes with homonyms (如 他们,, 在那里) or certain typographical errors (如 writing he)



  • 找出每个句子中的主要动词. 把动词和主语搭配起来. Make sure that 的 subject 和 verb agree in number (that is, both are singular or both are plural).



  • 浏览你的文章,在每个代词处停下来. 特别关注 在它,这个,他们,他们的, 他们. 搜索该代词所取代的名词. 如果你找不到任何名词, or if it is unclear which noun is being referred to, 把代词改为名词. If you can find a noun, be sure it agrees in number 和 person with your pronoun.



  • Skim your paper, stopping at key words that signal parallel structures. 要特别注意 And, or, not only...但是,要么...或者,两...和. Make sure that 的 items connected by 的se words are in 的 same grammatical 为m. 例如, “她喜欢高尔夫球。, 篮球, 和足球”而不是“她喜欢高尔夫球”, 篮球, 踢足球." You might change "He is not only a great piano player but also plays 的 guitar well" to "He is not only a great piano player but also a good guitar player."



  • 略读连词 And, but, 为, or, nor, so, 然而,. See whe的r 在那里 is a complete sentence (containing a subject 和 verb) on each side of 的 conjunction. 如果是,在连词前加逗号.



  • Skim your paper, looking only at 的 first two or three words of each sentence. Stop if one of 的se words is a subordinate conjunction (如 同时,如果),一个过渡词(例如 然而,然而),分词短语(如 他在海军服役四年...),或介词短语(如in 相比之下,大约两年前). If you can hear a break or pause after 的 phrase 当 reading aloud, place a comma at 的 end of 的 introductory phrase or clause (be为e 的 independent clause).



  • Look at each sentence to see whe的r it contains an independent clause (subject 和 verb). Pay special attention to sentences that begin with subordinate conjunctions (如 因为,如果, or )或短语,如 例如 or . See if 的 fragment might be just a piece of 的 previous sentence that mistakenly got separated by a period. 如果有,请将其附在句子后面. 如果没有,则添加缺失的主语或动词.



  • Review each sentence to see whe的r it contains more than one independent clause. 从文章的最后一句话开始, 然后从头开始, 逐句地, 在每一个逗号处停下来. 连句可以用四种方式修改. You may make 的 clauses into separate sentences, join 的 clauses with a comma followed by a coordinating conjunction (和,但是,为了,或者,也不是,所以,然而,), join 的 clauses with a semicolon if 的 sentences are closely related, 或者重组句子(例如, 通过添加从属连词).



  • Skim your paper, stopping only at those words which end in s. See whe的r or not an apostrophe is needed in order to indicate possession. 如果单词可以倒过来,和 玛丽亚的书 可以更改为 玛利亚的书 那么撇号是正确的. If a word ends in s simply because it is plural, 在那里 should be no apostrophe.

Only now should you ask someone else to read through your paper to check 为 anything you might have missed. 通过修改, 编辑, 先自己校对, you will ultimately improve your own ability to write well.

E世博ESBALL | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General In为mation (530) 895-2511
