
Independent 和 从属子句s: Coordination 和 Subordination

独立的 & 从属子句:协调 & 从属

An independent person is one who can solve problems on his own, 照顾好他自己的需求, 靠自己的双脚站立, 可以这么说. An 独立子句 (a clause is a group of words 那 contains at least one subject 和 one verb) is one 那 can st和 on its own two feet--independently. 如果你愿意,你可以加入独立子句. 这叫做 协调.

A dependent person is one who needs help from a不her, more independent person. 依赖的人需要依靠更强大的人. A 从属子句 is one 那 can不 st和 on its own two feet--it needs an 独立子句 依靠. 你必须将从属子句连接到独立子句. 这叫做 从属.

Compare an 独立子句 to the ideal roommate: She cleans up 后 herself, 支付她的那份账单, 从不忘记关掉熨斗, 还能修理漏水的水龙头. Like the ideal roommate, an 独立子句 lacks 不hing to st和 on its own. For example, each of the following 独立子句s can st和 alone:

詹妮弗在浴室的水龙头里放了一台新洗衣机 之前 leaving 为 the party.

上面的从句包含主语和动词, they finish the 虽然t they have started; they are complete simple sentences. 为了多样化, 然而, you will often want to combine simple sentences using 协调 to create compound sentences. 您可以选择以下两种方法之一:

  • 用分号连接两个独立子句.
  • Join two 独立子句s with a comma 和 coordinating conjunction.

The most used coordinating conjunctions are often referred to as the FANBOYS (, , 也不, , or, 然而,, so). When you use one of the FANBOYS between 独立子句s, you signal 那 the clauses are equal (sort of like how two independent roommates are equals). These two methods of 协调 are demonstrated below:

詹妮弗在浴室的水龙头里放了一台新洗衣机 之前 leaving 为 the party; 麦知道怎么修理垃圾处理机了.

詹妮弗在浴室的水龙头里放了一台新洗衣机 之前 leaving 为 the party, 麦知道怎么修理垃圾处理机了.

If you choose to coordinate two 独立子句s using a semicolon, you have a不her option. You may choose to add a conjunctive adverb (followed by a comma-the adverb acts rather like an introductory phrase) 后 the semicolon:

詹妮弗在浴室的水龙头里放了一台新洗衣机 之前 leaving 为 the party; moreover, 麦知道怎么修理垃圾处理机了.

A conjunctive adverb adds meaning or clarifies the relationship between the two clauses. See how choosing a different conjunctive adverb subtly changes the meaning of the pair:

詹妮弗在浴室的水龙头里放了一台新洗衣机 之前 leaving 为 the party; 然而, 麦知道怎么修理垃圾处理机了.

The pattern, with appropriate punctuation (和 yes, the punctuation counts) is as follows:

独立子句 ; 独立子句
分号加连接副词和逗号 独立子句 此外,;
独立子句 ,因为
, or
, so


(注意: try to join two 独立子句s with a simple comma. 这个错误称为a 逗号粘连. 此外,做 try to join two 独立子句s with a coordinating conjunction alone, omitting the comma. 这个错误称为a 加添的. For more on these errors, see the TIP Sheet Comma Splices 和 Run-on Sentences.)

相对于独立子句, a 从属子句 is incomplete; it is a type of sentence fragment. (欲了解更多信息,请参阅TIP Sheet 片段.从属从句可以包含主语和动词, 但它开始了一个想法,并没有结束:


The words 那 are to blame 为 making the above 从属子句s dependent are the words 因为. Inquiring minds want to know-what happened as a result of the iron being left on? What happened 当 the fire department reached the dorm? Like a needy roommate, these 从属子句s need 依靠 something stronger. In the following examples we have added 独立子句s 为 the 从属子句s 依靠:

宿舍里过时的电线融化了,引起了一场大火 因为艾米没关电熨斗.
詹妮弗和麦已经把火扑灭了 当消防队员到达宿舍时.

When you join a 从属子句 to an 独立子句, you are 不 joining equals. One side of the resulting sentence (the 独立子句) is stronger, 而另一方(从属从句)则较弱, or 下属. (如果你是 下属 在工作中,你要听别人的话.) The words used to join unequal pairs of clauses are called 从属连词.

但即使在这里,你也有选择. Just 因为 the 独立子句 is stronger, it doesn't have to always go first. (Sometimes the stronger person holds the door open to allow the person on crutches to enter first.)你也可以这样写:

因为艾米忘了关熨斗, the dorm's obsolete wiring melted 和 started a fire.
当消防队员到达宿舍时, 詹妮弗和麦已经把火扑灭了.

The important thing to remember about 从属 is 那 the punctuationdiffers depending on 是否 the independent or the 从属子句 "enters" first. 如果从属子句是第一个, 更像是主句的引子句), it is followed by a comma (like in this sentence 和 the next). If the 独立子句 comes first, no punctuation separates the two.

The pattern, with appropriate punctuation, is as follows:

独立子句 (没有标点符号) 从属子句
从属子句 ,(逗号) 独立子句

为了变化或调整意思, 你可以选择合并两个独立的从句, making one of the clauses 下属 to the other with the addition of a subordinating conjunction:

詹妮弗在浴室的水龙头里放了一台新洗衣机, 麦知道怎么修理垃圾处理机了.

詹妮弗在浴室的水龙头里放了一台新洗衣机 麦正在想办法修理垃圾处理机.

下面是从属连词的部分列表. (Some textbooks call them "dependent-making words," or "dependent marker words.")







而 other punctuation rules apply to particular kinds of clauses (为 example, see the TIP Sheet Relative 代词: Restrictive 和 Nonrestrictive Clauses), if you learn to distinguish independent from 从属子句s 和 recognize 从属连词 you will be more apt to avoid some common fragment 和 punctuation errors in your writing.



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