


Good drivers don't drive the same speed on every road and under all conditions. 的y speed up on the interstate and slow down for curves and pedestrians. 他们在雨或雾中开车更慢. Similarly, good readers don't read everything the same way or at the same pace. 这取决于你的目的, knowing what it is you need to know–you can intelligently choose a reading strategy and pace that meets your needs. An appropriate strategy avoids information overload and improves your understanding. Reading strategies vary depending on the type of reading:

  • 休闲阅读
  • 学习阅读
  • 略读
  • 扫描


最好的读者知道他们为什么阅读. 的 休闲 readers' purpose is escapist: to savor language, ideas, images, and predicaments. 的目的 学习阅读 是收集和记住主要思想, 事实, 和术语, and be able to make meaningful connections among them. 的目的 略读 is to get a rapid bird's-eye view of the material. 扫描 快速定位具体事实. A lover of detective novels wouldn't dream of 略读 读小说之前先把它读一遍. Neither 应该 a study reader plod in a straight line through a textbook without variation in speed or attention.

Do you need a detailed knowledge of the subject? 的n you will need to read the material closely. But if you just need to know the main points, begin by reading only the section titles. Do you need factual answers to study questions? 略读和扫描. Maybe you don't need to read a particular book at all; maybe you only need to find certain passages in it. Read the index or table of contents first for page numbers to the appropriate sections. It is 不 cheating to skim over nonessential material in search of the essential!

无效阅读者被动阅读. 的y do 不 have a clear idea what they want to learn, 它如何连接到其他学科领域, 或者为什么他们应该关心. 他们依靠作者的激励, 激励, organize and tell them what is essential and unessential. Passive readers allow the author to do the thinking-they are just along for the ride.

的 result is that passive readers daydream. 他们很难集中注意力. 的y fail to grasp the overall organization of the material. 的y come away with a hazy understanding of what they have read, and forget it in a short time. 的y are 不 motivated to read further because it seems boring and a waste of time.

被动阅读者往往阅读速度慢. 的y believe that if they read slowly, they will understand more. 正相反, 虽然, slow reading can actually interfere with understanding because the reader's 虽然ts do slow down-they just have more time to wander.

Passive readers often make the mistake of trying to read everything at the same pace. If all the parts of a book were of equal value, there might be some logic to this. But, like a highway system, books are full of twists and turns, ramps and straight-aways. A steady 45 mph may be too fast for the twists and too slow for the open road. In reading, too, environmental conditions vary. 有很多因素, 不受读者控制, that might demand a slower reading pace: a poorly written book; a very dense, technical book; an overheated or noisy room; a worried mind. But the more you slow your reading, the more you 应该 practice 积极的阅读.

Active readers engage mentally with their books. 的y "talk back" to the authors and compare ideas. 他们站队并提出反对意见. And effective study-readers spend as much time interacting with the physical text as they do reading-flipping pages back and forth, 首先阅读章节末尾的问题, 停止图片和图形, 并在页边空白处做标记. A textbook is 不 an Agatha Christie murder mystery: you can 展望未来. 事实上,你 应该 展望未来. 更多关于学习阅读, see the 提示表 "学习阅读:SQ3R" and "复式阅读日志."

略读 and scanning require a fierce physical and mental attention that can be quite tiring if you're doing it right. 的y require the reader to move in a disciplined way through the text, avoiding the impulse to stray. Eye movement and finger movement coordinate to move rapidly, 例如 from keyword to keyword or from heading to heading. 使用略读 预览 阅读课本. 这种方式, when you finally settle down to read closely, you will have already picked up the general tone and context and will understand and remember new ideas more readily. 也可以使用略读 审查 书籍和笔记. 扫描 is a similarly rapid reading used to 定位 specific 事实, 例如 to answer factual questions. 的 questions supply keywords, while the reader moves rapidly through the pages to 定位 them. Use scanning for research and in-depth studying of fact-heavy subjects. For more, see the 提示单 "略读和扫描."

Leisure readers can afford to read more slowly, but they still read actively. 的y visualize–create mental pictures–as they read. 的y may interact with their reading by mentally comparing characters, 把一个想法与另一个想法联系起来的, 预测结果, 或者猜答案. 的y might underline or otherwise mark favorite passages. 我们用这种方式阅读文学和诗歌. 阅读莎士比亚, 例如, without visualizing his spaces and characters and guessing at outcomes would be a sterile exercise! Comprehension and personal insight into literature are both the result of 积极的阅读.

有些人可能永远不会成为狂热的读者. But all readers can learn ways to actively engage with reading in a way that achieves their purpose and improves their understanding and speed.

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